chapter 5- shades of memory Earlyish update, 'cuz who knows WHEN I'll be done studying for midterms and back on my computer. *shakes fist at all the language classes that she brought upon herself* Updated the icons'n'stuff gallery, but the fanworks gallery is still in progress. I'll have it done soon, with any luck. So we've decided to go for it with this guest strip week thing. It'll keep us from having repeated panic attacks while I'm out of the country again, and hopefully give me time to tackle more serious plot type things. (oh the upcoming pot... oh gosh, I can't say, but gah! Wants to be there now, Betsy-sama!). Our arbitrary volunteering-cutoff-date is past now, but if you really really want to participate *grin* let us know. Methinks we can probably be flexible. The plan at this point is to post as many of the submitted comics as possible, either via actual updates or in the gallery. The "or in the gallery" is what happens if we have too many shinies to fit into the official Guest Strip Week (we're not expecting to need to do this, but you never know, and Betsy-sama and I are both neurotic enough that we hate to function without a contingency plan). Because we must share the shinies! We must! And long as I'm updating and all, may I once again poke at anyone who has the time and energy for a click to vote for us via the middle button directly below this box? Please? We lost our first-place-cling last week, and it'd be shiny to get it back. 'k, that's all! Enjoy the comic! |