chapter 2- after effects ooo...i am a pink little pasty white girl today. i spent lots of time out in the sun, and now, i am burnt. owowow. but as it was at a renissance festival, i can't really complain. i went in garb, and my frined went in a kimono (specifically i want to say an umboshi, but i think that's a plum, and i'm thinking of a ukata, but whatever) we for a short while pretended he didn't speak english, but that fell through when my lack of any kind of memory for japanese came into call. oops. but i found a kid who looks like naim! i've seen him aorund campus. except for the smiling bit, it would be a dead ringer. totally. stay tuned on friday for more explination on what the hell is going on in this little story, if it is not clear. until then, watch the skies.