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 Jena's Box

I'm so sorry about Ikku's hair!  Oh the pain!  It seemed like a good idea in July... well to me anyway... Betsy saw the truth all along, but I am a stubborn little yo.

 Betsy's little dark space.

the unchapter

just because I thought i'd stop over-stating the plot is coming, doesn't mean that it isn't true. see today's strop as an example therefore.

one poster keeps falling off my dorm-room wall. unfortuatly, it's over my bed, and it wakes me up at odd moments. oh well.



ha HA! the construction! it hurts no more! All images, ideas, characters, yes, even the AIR YOU BREATHE ON THIS SITE,

is copyrighted Betsy Jorgensen and Jena Lombardi 2000-2003, unless otherwise noted. . All rights reserved.

That means NO TAKIES!!