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 the little dark space.

chapter 2- waking nightmares

ok, so to those three or four people in the last couple of days that i randomly gave buttons to, welcome. this is the webcomic of joy. promise.

to the rest of you, this weekend has been fun. i went to a presentation of seven seven minute films on the seven deadly sins, which was pretty awesome. i heart piece movies. this is a part of the fringe festival, which if you are a minnesotan, means lots of plays and artsy stuff. it was tons of fun.

but now, i am off to sleepies, as the sun was a bit too much for betsy, despite both the meat buffet, and the delisious sesame bread thingys.


confused? read this chapter from the beginning.





All images, ideas, characters, yes, even the AIR YOU BREATHE ON THIS SITE,

is copyrighted Betsy Jorgensen and Jena Lombardi 2000-2004, unless otherwise noted. . All rights reserved.

That means NO TAKIES!