chapter 1- afterwords BONUS UPDATE DAY!!!! Yes indeedydo, readers. this is an extra-special, extra long, extra some other descriptive words that make this sound extra important update day. mostly, because i feel bad for not getting a hold of the artist's parents until today, so that i would have to update this story starting next week. so, in my sleep-denied, good-thinking head, i thought "wait...i could just upload the splash* page, the first page AND the second page in one day, rather than two, and make everybody feel speical, and me not feel like such a dork". problem solved. this story line is funny funny. i feel the need to mention that nicodemus seems to have my laptop. and my headphones. these were not discussed so much as we were thinking out this comic, but have some to be later, as the jena-thing had her way with it. had her way with it like a bowl of ice cream has its way with the spoon. yeah. *cough* so yes. i'm actually going to start annoucing it now (as it will start to get too late to make sure that everyone will see it) coming soon is our first quasi-annual "Torment The Readers Week!" and to celebrate, we will be updating EVERY DAY! yes. you heard me. one coming monday (date to be decided when jena gets back from italy) we will switch to a monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday schedual, in order to encompase a large story of fun and joy! and to conclude our week, we will unveil our second contest, with loverly prizes! and hopefully, more pictures for you. because of the torment, you see. anywho, raye-chan sent another awsome picture, and both of them will grace the gallery soon. in the meantime, poke your head around, and be inspired yourself! we loooooooove fanstuffs, and would love to hear from you, even if it is just a sentance long note saying you hate us. any feedback is feedback, as the dictonaries say. and with that, good-night.
* i tried to write SLASH page for like a minute. i find this funny.
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