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 the little dark space.

chapter 5 - after effects

our next guest strip is from Roman! Roman is the fins author of B-movie comic, which is both hilarious and great if'n you like movies. which is do. very, very much.

also,, upon talking with jena about her trip, she mentioned that a certian English class in spain may in fact be reading this comic as part of their class. Welcome to you! I apoloigize in advance for the spelling in the rant (but for you native speakers THERE WAS NO APOLOGY! it DIDN'T EXIST.)


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All images, ideas, characters, yes, even the AIR YOU BREATHE ON THIS SITE,

is copyrighted Betsy Jorgensen and Jena Lombardi 2000-2005, unless otherwise noted. . All rights reserved.

That means NO TAKIES!